Original Post
.::.Head Shop.::.
I know they are lame but I was bored so I just made these.
They might look the same but they have they're mouths in different spots.
Last edited by Cameronrk; Jun 28, 2008 at 01:48 AM. Reason: The heads won't post srorry :(
there's nuthing there dude.
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
The heads are way to "big" and how do I make them rotate? I went to Filters>Animations>spinning globe then looked at it. it looks fine and when I save and preview it it doesn't move just like the one for my avatar. Can anyone help?
When you press save it will say "______" as one option (forgot what it said) and then "save as animation" as the other. Pick save as animation.