Original Post
MY Second Texture Set =D (10k)
Well, this one is MUCH better than my first one, this one isnt the same picture, cut into sections, this is actually different pictures.

I couldnt think of a head to go with this Texture set, Give me some ideas, and illmake one. (unless you dont want one)

Back Veiw

Frontal & Kicking Veiw

Pm me or post here
I am Selling This Texture Set for no less than 9k!!
um...r those patterns off gimp?
[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me
YOu really got to improve X_X Its a pattern? A brush?
RelaxAll was life. Feels bad to be an oldie.