Original Post
[Tex]Hydranoid Head
Wip 1
Apreciate CnC and Rate...
Post wip when i make it...
Prog used:Ph Shop cs5
Tablet Wacom Mb pen& touch.
Last edited by Advens; Dec 7, 2012 at 08:10 PM.
up for request
Very, very messy. If you're going to make shading, actually make it smooth, not a mess of lines. It's just... Messy, that's all I can say.
I like it... I think it needs a little more work overall and making the lines a little less curved or just not scribbled on.. but I do like it and If i were to price it I would say about 500tc...
several posts deleted
this is not the market.
Sales are meant for the market or PM.

On topic:
this head is so rushed its disgusting.
really... put a bit of effort into it.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
Ben the art thread is for constructive criticism please be a little nicer and instead of telling him it is disgusting give him ideas to make it better
Originally Posted by togo1234556 View Post
Ben the art thread is for constructive criticism please be a little nicer and instead of telling him it is disgusting give him ideas to make it better

Well you seem to be posting everywhere without a cnc purpose. Most likely to get posts..
Sorry for the offtopic I'm just getting pissed about these guys who always post in every thread just to get a higher post count..