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[Art] Retro Future, I think.
Just finished this piece of work after about 4 hours and a hand cramp.
If you know what I mean. Heuheuheuheu
Let me know what you think. I might add hair to this.
Program used: Gimp.
When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.
That's very cool. It doesn't really fit into any specific category for art, so I can't really CnC it. One thing I'd like to see changed is the bottom colors. I wish they either matched the top section or had more contrast.
What is it? A poster? banner? What's it about? the top part seems to have a freedom theme, but that red thing at the bottom is different, it confuses me.
It's a poster.
I had no real intentions on having any kind of theme really.
I just wanted to try something different.
Also I may recolor color it.
When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.
Thank you togo, I'm glad you like it.
Much appreciated.
When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.
anytime... the only thing I would add to it is maybe like as u were saying hair... but make the hair like modern music... hrm well idk u can work with it i guess.
I've changed a lot of things. I like this more.
Would it be lame if I printed this out and put it on my wall?
Anyways here it is. I put a little saying in it to give a hipster a rock hard erection.

boredom makes me do things. lols.
Last edited by doubleboob; Dec 18, 2012 at 05:38 PM.
When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.
Im starting to think Im unpopular.
Maybe if I did more sparring... profit?
Oh, bump. again.
When you get caught masturbating, look the person in the eyes and finish like a beast.