Original Post
[tex] Shaolin ninja
i made a new set, and it is one of my favourites so far. its for sale, so pm me if you want to offer. other than that, i would like critique on the set and what i could change to make it better.

the set

Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Praise BONDarenko
The set is to simple and it's not worth 9.5/10 you just added cool contrast and made
pic looking nice.
actually the head is very detailed, my choice of shader kinda blocked out the face so its hard to tell, and the hands are pretty detailed too
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Praise BONDarenko
The hands are nice and detailed, something I personally am incapable of, but the legs/arms/torso could use some work. Instead of keeping them blank orange or shaded a little make them show skin like a real Shaolin outfit would. On the arms I would also show some skin, there is a set by wojtek120 that is something like this, if you don't know what I am getting at then you can try to find it.
Originally Posted by Drekz View Post
The legs/arms/torso could use some work. Instead of keeping them blank orange or shaded a little make them show skin like a real Shaolin outfit would. On the arms I would also show some skin. 6/10

I agree with this^
Mostly because it's simple and the head looks like it was pretty easy to make. Hands look amazing though.
Last edited by m0nk3y8; Dec 18, 2012 at 02:15 AM.
The Curious Whomba, Intruding Your Privacy.
thank you the best part is that those were the first hands i have ever made realistic. nowhere to go but up <3

and if i had a 512 head you would be able to see the detail on the head.
Clan League 2013 & 2019 Champion
Praise BONDarenko