Original Post
[Tex] Creeper
So, what do you guys think of this?

I used Photoshop, and the head was C/P and slightly edited. The rest of the body was of my doing. (But still similar to the head)

I made it for a friend of mine who loves Minecraft, all I need now are the items :/

I'm not asking for criticism about the current structure, since it's still incomplete. I'm asking about what can I do to improve it?
Last edited by JorreI14; Dec 19, 2012 at 04:31 PM.
The face is slightly too wide.
Flip the body texture around for more variation so it doesen't look so repetitive. (don't mirror it, rotate it by 90 degredes)
Last edited by Karolk; Dec 19, 2012 at 05:28 PM.

It's a pretty simple texture so all you need to do is ^, improve the mapping of the feet maybe the hands and the top of the head
Cheap ass steam games,
I don't wan't you to get in trouble, I got in trouble by posting something like this

A) Using copyrighted work without proven owner consent (plagiarism) is strictly forbidden, and you must credit all other artists work. In other words, if you're selling c/p textures or images (even if you're not the original artist) post a link to the original image.

And the set is looking nice so far.
I don't exist
Originally Posted by JorreI14 View Post
So, what do you guys think of this?

I used Photoshop, and the head was C/P and slightly edited. The rest of the body was of my doing. (But still similar to the head)

I made it for a friend of mine who loves Minecraft, all I need now are the items :/

I'm not asking for criticism about the current structure, since it's still incomplete. I'm asking about what can I do to improve it?

Nice one man,i think this will look awesome with radiactive force/relax and
pure force/relax.
Originally Posted by JorreI14 View Post
So, what do you guys think of this?

I used Photoshop, and the head was C/P and slightly edited. The rest of the body was of my doing. (But still similar to the head)

I made it for a friend of mine who loves Minecraft, all I need now are the items :/

I'm not asking for criticism about the current structure, since it's still incomplete. I'm asking about what can I do to improve it?

It's good, but the head and the midsection both need some work on mapping.

For the head, everything is a little stretched out. I would reccomend adding a few more rows of green pixels in order to compress the face together a bit more and get the eyes and mouth to the right size and shape (at least, as close as it can get on a sphere).

On the contrary, the stomach and abs textures are too compressed. To fix this, you'll probably have to remove some rows and columns of pixels and enlarge the entire image. This way, all the pixels will be the same shape for the whole body.

Also, on each leg texture, there's this patch of dark green that's really bothering me. For some reason, my eyes just keep looking directly at it. I think it just disrupts the flow of the light green a bit. If you sprinkle in some light green in that darker area, I think that'll balance out the textures.

Other than that, it's pretty simple, but it's clean and above all, fairly accurate to its Minecraft counterpart. 7.8/10
Originally Posted by sicmo View Post
I don't wan't you to get in trouble, I got in trouble by posting something like this

A) Using copyrighted work without proven owner consent (plagiarism) is strictly forbidden, and you must credit all other artists work. In other words, if you're selling c/p textures or images (even if you're not the original artist) post a link to the original image.

And the set is looking nice so far.

Not selling them, I just made them for a friend, no payments involved.