Original Post
y-bot, yoyo's python irc-bot
[01:18] <@Yoyo> I should make a y-bot thread in tint
[01:18] <hushpupp1e> hmm
[01:18] <@Rayleigh-sama> Yeah.
[01:18] <@Yoyo> I could post the source and stuff
[01:18] <@Rayleigh-sama> Go ahead.
[01:18] <@Rayleigh-sama> I give you my special moderator's green-light.

I made an irc bot in python, it does a nice amount of fun stuff. I sometimes park it in #tint.

Here's the .help command's output:

[13:51] <@y-bot> avaliable commands and params (precede commands with '.'):
[13:51] <@y-bot> help, say (str), nick (newnick), eval (equation/code), exec (code), admadd (newadmin), admrem (admin), admlist, join (chan),leave (chan), saychan (channel/user:msg), identify (nickservpw), updatestatus, ban (user/hostname), unban (user/hostname), banlist, time, dice(size; default is 6), google (search), youtube (search), trivia (file no.), stoptrivia, skip, money, mode (+- users), register, login, logout, cbon, cboff, roul, data [opt: user], doubleit
[13:51] <@y-bot> modadd (newmod), modrem (mod), modlist, send (user:amount), restart, owner +/- [opt: user], sop +/- [opt: user], op +/- [opt: user], hop +/- [opt: user], voice +/- [opt: user]
[13:51] <@y-bot> other interpreted stuff: o/; don't you agree, y-bot?; dance, y-bot; y-bot: sentence (parsed by cleverbot [if query, any non-cmd is parsed])
[13:51] <@y-bot> feel free to query the bot, it interprets all messages.

Feel free to post suggestions, comments, edits, quotes or whatever you want on this thread.

That's just the bot's source, there's more stuff inside the bot's folder that I won't bother sharing.


Last edited by Yoyo; Feb 12, 2013 at 02:59 PM. Reason: update
multiple texture uploader! updated: multiple texture remover!
updated pretty colorlist!

<BobJoelZ> ok ive just rebooted my pc and ive tried to activate my reflex on yahoo internet explorer :/ no luck

<Aracoon> I do not enjoy having anal sex with multiple men
Originally Posted by Yoyo View Post


But the bot is 5/5.
It's All About Expansion
Originally Posted by Jodarok View Post

[2:39pm]culapou>i've killed over 500 people without stabbing them I can kill people with my bear hands if they ever try messing with me