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[Solved] How do i automatically load a scipt at startup?
How can i make a script start itself when i open the game?
We're all going to Hell, we may as well go out in style
Death is a promise, and your life is a fucking lie
Originally Posted by Regent101 View Post
How can i make a script start itself when i open the game?

so far i know this isnt possible, u have always to start it over setup > utils > scripts.
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Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Take the land, that must be taken. Awaken, awaken, awaken, awaken. Devour worlds, smite forsaken
Make a file called profile.tbs in your toribash folder

Put the command to load the script in it without the /

Most client commands can be added eg

opt hud 0
instead of /opt hud 0

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you