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not connected multiplayer problem
im having a problem with the multiplayer. whenever I try to log into a server a messege shows up saying not connected. I checked and i am logged in. i already tried to uninstall and reinstall. the weird thing is that i worked a few hoursago and since then i didnt make any changes. (at least i hope so)
1. Get better internet

2. You're banned from the server

3. Server is full

4. The room is ghosted, but you can't see that.
Maybe all the servers you tried were Qi restricted.
[20:07] <@SpartaCraft> This is the sexiest potato I've ever made.
Originally Posted by SpartaCraft View Post
Maybe all the servers you tried were Qi restricted.

It would give you a note.

This server is restricted to green belt or lower (0-99)

This server is restricted to 3rd dan or higher (0-3000)

But if that's the problem, look at the room desccription.
Blackbelt=999 to 1,999
Ultimate=3,000 and up only.

I think I did that wrong.