Original Post
Animate your favourite replay!

Got a replay you like and want to have as an animated picture, avatar or signature?
then this is the right place for you!

Price at the moment:1500-2000 TC

Just send me a replay, make a request of what you want and it will be all yours.

Any wishes like the visual angle, font for your name,
parts to leave out, where to place name and things alike will be taken care of.

and for those who want this little extra to their animated avatar/signature, heres a new deal!

like these avatars/signatures? like the animated avatar/signature?
well then combine them!
just tell one of us about it and we will do our best to fulfill your wishes

Update:if requested, some special effects can now be added!! Things included:
- Wind effects
- Shaking effects
- Truning cameras
- Time stopping
- glittering/light effects
- Fading in and/or out

Galrath and Nopa joined together to make the ultimate signature/avatar:

Get your own creative piece of art:
a combination of fly gfx and an animated picture of your favorite replay!

As always we will fulfill any of our customers wishes with care and make every order become a unique image fit to the customers desires.

Price: 3000 TC
We will stay as competent when working together as we have been so far!
Orders will be accepted in both stores
enjoy --- Nopa&Galrath

heres some more of my work:

Last edited by nopa; Jul 15, 2008 at 06:33 PM.
Great stuff. Good luck with this!

Warning for nonfunctional post. ~3vi1
Last edited by 3vi1; Jul 8, 2008 at 12:08 AM.
Yeah, that's alot better, I'd make a shop like this too if I had shaders.

Warning for nonfunctional post. ~3vi1
Last edited by 3vi1; Jul 8, 2008 at 12:10 AM.
I really like the .gif color rape.

Warning for nonfunctional post. ~3vi1
Last edited by 3vi1; Jul 8, 2008 at 12:11 AM.
Church of BnW
lol, thats nice, seems like the idea spreads now
so, anyone up for a try? had to lower the prices too :P
Last edited by nopa; Jul 7, 2008 at 07:56 PM.