Original Post
[Art] Nereide WIP

Old versions

Made in Photoshop CS 4
Not done, tips/advices/critique is appreciated
Last edited by Ezeth; Mar 17, 2013 at 05:33 PM.
I recommend you to add some contrasted colors, you have green, so add red, emphasize highlights, add skin texture on separate layer, go to color channels and add some subtle changes there... There is a million stuff you can do since it's still a wip, and all of that should be directed toward making her face a bit lively, since, right now she is like a corpse...

Also, where are the ears? ;} If she doesn't have them, at least design some replacements.

I recommend you focus on her eyes and her lips, do the massive job there. Then on lighting and 'weed' around her face.

If you follow basic examples of digital portrait paintings you will notice that they always divide face to three zones, 'cold colors', 'hot colors' and mixture of those two. There is a reason for that.

You've also mirrored left side of the face to the right, like you are doing TB head texture. I hope you will add more changes to both sides so they don't look so 'perfect'.

If you need advice about shading and lighting, just ask. And start doing full figures. Don't be afraid of first steps toward full anatomy pieces...
Yeah I need to focus some on the eyes and lips. For the contrasts I was going for yellow/blue, but I guess I can make some stronger contrasts.
I am not planning on adding ears, but I will cover it in seaweed or something
I will make it more asymmetrical as well, thanks for feedback

I have done a ton of dolls and many full body on paper and will make full body digital pieces once I get the hang of it.

How can I make it look more like its underwater?

edit: some progress.
Last edited by Ezeth; Mar 17, 2013 at 06:49 PM.
Its almost perfect, but I think a hair would fit in well.
Not a normal hair, like a green hair, you know, she looks like an alien, so make a green hair.
The eyes looks perfect, the posision of the nose and the mounth is perfect too
Very nice work Ezeth, your epic
vai taca
Oh, she's under water? Ok, then, I recommend that you change her eyes to be more fish-like (kinda logic transformation), that green 'weed' should 'float' around her head, you can add strokes of light in the background like sunlight that protrude the water surface, background should be murky then, hard to see any objects.

If you add some bubbles that can help also, or some fish silhouette in the background... Since light underwater is a soft and weak, adjust colors on her face to that, and at the end you can add strokes of lights that comes from waves on surface (you know that thing when you are underwater in the pool and strokes of light cover your body)...

Do some research.
I'll experiment some more with that, I have tried to get some water rippling at the top, bubbles and things like that.
Thanks again.

edit: new version, not done yet. Going to really polish this one and enter a freestyle art competition on a LAN party I'm going to :P

bubbles looks a little half-assed, but anything else that really sticks out that I desperately need to fix?
Last edited by Ezeth; Mar 19, 2013 at 03:46 AM.