Wow....just wow. The simplicity of it is amazing in itself but just to be able to keep something so simple but so interesting is hard to do. The paint actually looks like it is in some sort of container, I love that idea, the paint lines themselves seem to overlap in a natural way making the piece look not very sloppy but well put together. I can't stop staring at it. 9/10
<13chillz> Grab a crayon and go zoom zoom
I'm not entirely sure what you're going for here. It looks like a combination between the uses of the pen, gradient, and selection tool. Cool, I guess.
Preposterously dank.
This would make a very awesome set 8.5/10
We need to strengthen our roots and bloom the inner flowers that represent our minds. We are not beasts. Not savages, but men.- PeaceKeeper62
Originally Posted by notaboss View Post
Wow....just wow. The simplicity of it is amazing in itself but just to be able to keep something so simple but so interesting is hard to do. The paint actually looks like it is in some sort of container, I love that idea, the paint lines themselves seem to overlap in a natural way making the piece look not very sloppy but well put together. I can't stop staring at it. 9/10

thanks for you kind words!

Originally Posted by Rampardos View Post
Suggestion: make it an arm/leg texture and sell it.

yeah nah

Originally Posted by Nomad View Post
I'm not entirely sure what you're going for here. It looks like a combination between the uses of the pen, gradient, and selection tool. Cool, I guess.

i also used gaussian blur. glad you like it

Originally Posted by KingRa7en View Post
This would make a very awesome set 8.5/10

yeah nah
Actually, if you implement this idea on some textures, it would actually look good.
I liked the way you gave it the cylinder look without drawing a full cylinder.
Love it.
Simple things are often the best.
Complicate it too much and it ruins it.

10/10, beautiful man.
Originally Posted by fade123 View Post
you can call the set rainbow set!


Originally Posted by chamara View Post
Actually, if you implement this idea on some textures, it would actually look good.
I liked the way you gave it the cylinder look without drawing a full cylinder.

i was hoping to make this on my hands/triceps/feet/shins, since i got red/yellow/blue/green flames.
glad you like it

Originally Posted by CACROT View Post
Love it.
Simple things are often the best.
Complicate it too much and it ruins it.

10/10, beautiful man.
