Original Post
Whiskey or Vodka
Yeah. What do you prefer? Why?

I personally choose whiskey due to the genuine taste it gives. Also the buzz you receive shortly after a few swigs, right?

Vodka only comes to mind in topic or when nothing else is provided.

Sorry if the post is above the 18+ rule, but how many kids are under-age that drink.. yeah.
we dem boys
I wouldn't chose any of those lol. I hate everything that has alcohol in them - even beer :}
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Uh, I had some whiskey last Christmas. However, I've never tried vodka.
Whiskey has a distinctive taste.

Originally Posted by Swaves View Post
I liked good old coke. No need for vodka or whiskey

Coke's worse for you.
Last edited by MintCat; Mar 29, 2013 at 09:06 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I dont like whiskey.
and drinking vodka straight, needs quality vodka, otherwise its undrinkable.

although, technically Southern Comfort is a Bourbon, which is whiskey, sort of.
and Southern Comfort is the bestest ever.

Vodka is pretty reliable though, works for anything.
Cane works better as a mixer though.
Last edited by BenDover; Mar 29, 2013 at 11:27 AM.
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