Original Post
I came here to kick ass and chew bubblegum... and I'm all out of gums
Since my old thread got a bit inactive and I'm way too lazy to go search for it, I'm getting this new one. I'll be much more elitist now with my replays and I'll expect that this way I might get a better amount of comments.

(If you want me to comment on your thread just type C4C on the end of your comment)
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A_ war cry.rpl (221.2 KB, 57 views)
You didn't really keep your flow for very long during the opener, but it still looked alright.
First kick wasn't well aimed, and that's not necessarily bad but in this case it looked lame.
The next kick wasn't solid at all, it just looked wonky.
Pose looked alright, not going to complain about it.

Honestly it's a weak replay for your standarts.
oh yeah
I guess I was too worried about the looks on the replay that I didn't focus that much on the hits, Thanks for the comment, anyway.
Maybe I made it seem way too harsh, remember that besides the flow issues your movement was still rather smooth and you kept your speed somewhat well. No twitching problems either. When I don't mention something, it's because I think it's very obvious already (when it comes to your (or anybody's) style) and not worth mentioning, but it doesn't mean I don't think it's still there.
oh yeah
that was epic af but it looks like in the beginning you edited it from one of the replays that came with the game
Well, I personally quite like it.
Well, the opener and the beginning was smooth and stylish, and manip was pretty simple and your movement was pretty slow but it was okay. The aim for the first kick was pretty bad I'm afraid but the rest was nice, it was pretty destructive though, even it was a bit random there.
i could give it 8,3/10, good job though
Eh also C4C
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
The fear that somehow, somewhere, a duck is watching you. And it'll never look away.
Attached Files
A_ Anatidaephobia.rpl (173.0 KB, 37 views)
Well, your movement actually was pretty standart and a bit slow at the beginning.
But still liked your smoothness though. The little manip was actually alright. Not a fan of the punch and the back kick but I think you did it nicely.
Pretty simple for my taste but it was enjoyable replay though.
C4C cuz YOLO
"People become stronger cause there are memories they won't forget."
Antidaephobia I really like the opener and momentum on this and it gave me this feel as if I could feel the power coming from that grab but after that you missed the kick ;~; kinda ruined it for me also C4C
<Vordred>ther are very girls in my village