Original Post
[S] More heads
Oki well i got Some heads I bought and couple sucky ones i made so lets goooo

Master ball head -

master ball

Artist - Monkeyfrog
Prev owner - no one
Size- 512x512
Resize - Yes
Recolor- No
Min 1.5k
Auto 3k

Blue Beanie head

blue beanie

Artist 00assasin00
Prev owner - No one
Size 512x512
Resize - Yes
Min- 2k
Auto buy- 8k

Coked Ninja-


Artist- Chato123
Prev owner - Me
Size - 512
Resize - Yes
Recolor - No
min 1k
Auto buy - 5k

Cute Head-
Artist - Velair
Size- 512
Prev owner - Me
Resize- Yes
Min 2k
Auto 10k

Puma Beanie -
Artist- Magicfire1998
Prev owner - Doodledoo
Size 512
resize -Yes
Recolor - No
Min 4k
Auto 10k

Premium Pokeball-

premium ball head

Artist -Monkeyfrog
Prev owner - No one
Size 512
Resize Yes
Recolor No
Min- 1k
Autobuy- 4k

Basic Pokeball -

Basic pokeball

Artist Monkeyfrog
Prevowner- None
Size- 512
Resize Yes
Recolor No
min bet 500
Autobuy 2k

Artist- Jaystar
Prev Owner- Jasystar
Size 512
Recolor -No
Min 2k
Auto buy - 8k

I dont have 512 Head teture so if the Images look stretched or Blurry thats the problem
and i Will at the Rest of the heads Later
Last edited by Monkeyfrog; Apr 6, 2013 at 08:50 PM.
Originally Posted by Monkeyfrog View Post
i accidently made the Thread mid Creation xD so theres only 3 links

Oh you silly~ ^^
ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ  Pedobear approves!
May want to consider centering pokeball heads.

E: Can't bother PMing.
In short, the circles of the pokeballs are not in the middle of the head.
Last edited by Kamikaze; Apr 6, 2013 at 07:09 PM.
This thread is closed.