Original Post
[Tex]Full Grafitti Set w Joints

Time:5 Hours

Cnc Appreciated and this set is for sale
damn im gettin old
I use to think graffiti sets were some of the most elite.
That was until I realized how easily they are made.
Making a set in only 5 hours is one thing, but a fill joint set? Come on..

It all just looks so random. I would have liked it a bit more if there was some kind of theme, but it just looks like a compilation of random, high contract pictures that were stretched and re-sized.
And no head texture?
Last edited by Lucid; Apr 8, 2013 at 06:43 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
there is idk why it didnt show up but thanks for the cnc. and what do you mean by them the theme was graffiti lol
damn im gettin old
I don't like it, there's too many things going on at once.
Could reduce some of it, Maybe.
I don't exist
Kinda confuse set, i think that it's too colored, since don't worked very well. But the intention was ok, i've liked these legs, try make your set more '' clear '' next time. And make a Head texture too...
looks very nice, I like the detail on it and the colors really stand out.

If I had to rate this on a scale of 1 to 10 on quality I would choose 8.5/10

Sorry but this just looks like a bunch of random graffiti picks slapped onto a tori.
