Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Art] Red-eyed Tree Octupus
Evolution works in mysterious ways.

small break from my anatomy studies.
1 hour, photoshop cs4

The first thing I notice is how the background relatively a single hue, and that the vine under the octopus is oddly dark.

The octopus itself though looks really nice. Since this was done as a break would it be fair to assume you won't be changing it at all?
Ezeth, I honestly love your style and the "almost" sloppy painting color changes in the pieces are unique!

I'd give it a good 9/10 just outline the model better.

Also quick question, hows the game coming along? Or did you ditch that idea long ago.
We decided to take a little break from the game making due to a busy schedule at school, but we are going to really focus on the game this spring break, programmer is still doing some fixes now and then.

I won't really change this drawing no, it was just a quick one to relax and have some fun, the shadows under the octopus is really dark yes :/
You could always say the octopus absorbs light to explain that shadow.
It's pretty unique, I haven't actually seen anything like this.
I really like this picture, it seems to calm me down. Can I use it as my desktop background so that I'm always calm?
Oh my Goodness that is gorgeous, the contrast is great, its not too bright not too dark, I like what you did with the colors I can stare at this all day!

Ezeth why you make such good art. T_T I love it. I feel like you coulda added a jungle biome in the backround, maybe an underwater jungle? 9.5/10
<3 your work man.
Alive and Kicking again, [SECRET], former artist, I lose all my matches.
I like gamut but 1 hour is pretty much for this. I'd rather to make it more smoothy and clear lines.