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[Art] Goodbox's sketches.
Ordered from oldest to newest.

parking lot

bus stop

castle environment


Free free to comment on anything. I'll try to take what advice I can.

Currently having trouble doing spheres in pen on this light brown paper.

Tools: Pen/Pencil
Last edited by GoodBox; Apr 16, 2013 at 02:13 AM.
I don't find it good. Where do I start? You lack details, shading, and it's very messy. The perspective ain't good too.

I'd suggest you take up your eraser, fix lines, do some shadow, perspective and make some better drawings... If you wanna go messy, finish the drawing, add all the stuff. If you sketch, make the perpective good and clean, good lines, use a sharp soft pencil for distinctive, dark lines.

Perspective suck a lot. You trying to make it right but you know rly nothing about what you do. You should know geometry and stereometry well for this.
Originally Posted by Hug View Post
Perspective suck a lot. You trying to make it right but you know rly nothing about what you do. You should know geometry and stereometry well for this.

i disagree, for what hes drawn, the perspective is fine for casual/amateur drawings.
adding fancy words to your critique does not make it better, its not a constructed perspective.
understanding specifics, to the point were words like geometry and and stereometry are used, is for advanced perspective drawings. Theyr not even real things, it just basically means having an understanding the spaces and shapes that youre drawing, theyr not a science.
I dont care if thats what your lecturers have told you in college, real life applications dont need words like that.

anyway, theyr not really much to look at, quite basic single point unconstructed perspectives.
not much to comment on, keep practicing.
there should be tutorials on constructed perspectives around, might be interesting to have a look at them.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-
If you want to become better, the first thing would be is to understand perspective. If you get the hang of that things will be alot easier and they will look better.
There are some good tutorials on youtube aswell.

I'd say the parking lot one has the most correct perspective out of these 4. Good one point perspective there.
Hrm, thanks for the feedback guys. I know the lines are somewhat messy, but I don't use a straightedge and eyeball the vanishing points (For my more recent sketches I've had fun doing all pen too, so no erasing). I'm not sure if I should be using a straightedge to practice or not, but I'll try that and see how it goes. I've used them before and it looks nicer, but feels more like I'm just sketching a graph when I use them. If that makes sense. Dunno maybe that's how it's supposed to feel.

Didn't notice I've only been developing the single point ones. I'll do something more complicated next time.
Your perspective drawings are really good, especially the bike..
I like doing perspective drawings too like architecture and stuff.

things to improve on, you could maybe add some more shading into the white spots to give it that
finish look to it.

keep up the good work.
Last edited by JackerFx; Apr 17, 2013 at 05:40 AM.