Looks great! a couple of small things: The pattern between her eyebrows doesn't really fit in with the face smoothly, and the lines going from the eyes/eyelashes are too thick.
much better than your last head

other than a bit of awkward mapping, the only thing you should add is maybe a very light skin texture w/ pores and whatnot

right now she looks very mannequin
shmevin eats smegma
Originally Posted by Urbish View Post
Looks great! a couple of small things: The pattern between her eyebrows doesn't really fit in with the face smoothly, and the lines going from the eyes/eyelashes are too thick.

Thanks. I'll downsize the tattoo between the eyebrows. I had the feeling it was too large. I'll add some detailing under the eyes and create more of a lip on top of the eye (where the solid colour is).

Originally Posted by boStaff View Post
much better than your last head

other than a bit of awkward mapping, the only thing you should add is maybe a very light skin texture w/ pores and whatnot

right now she looks very mannequin

Cheers. I'll try a texture to see how it looks. I'm not really sure how to make it look less 'mannequin like' but I guess that comes with experience.
Well, that's pretty good, i've really liked it.
Since, the sync and the realism ( talking about the reference ) is amazing, but i just think that you should add more realism like Bo said.
I tried it with a pore overlay and it didn't really work out too great.

I'm pleased with how the texture looks compared to the reference, but I'm unsure how to add 'realism' without ruining it.
Maybe you could make the chin a lil bit more angular?
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
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