Original Post
[REQ] I need ideas
So I'm practising making textures, and I need some ideas. Request a texture of anykind, but tell me what would you like it to be like. I'm not very good (yet) but I wont have you pay me anything (until I get better and make a shop that is).
E: I mean you don't have to pay anything for these practise textures, well you understood anyways.
Last edited by Ketsueki; Jul 12, 2008 at 11:25 PM. Reason: Explained further
Make a Ryo texture, then give it to me

or is it ryu...

THE GUY OFF STREET FIGHTERS.....>.> <.< hie-doke-it?
Wiener Man For SMASH!
start with a simple head, liek black with just eyes, and then make white tatoos or something on the arms and legs.

or make one like my avatar!!!
the domo kung is allready taken
Last edited by eyCoco; Jul 17, 2008 at 12:13 AM. Reason: typo