Original Post
account items and Tc stolen by friends.
I'm really good friends with Fluffy22, Monoply, and token420. They are the only people that know my password and i knew theirs. they suddenly changed their passwords one day so i kept an eye on their Tc the same day i lost everything that day being today or atlest when i noticed it is the same day fluffy22's Tc shot up by 11k (witch is how much Tc i had 11k) my full texture set is gone my grip sound is gone my kiai my copper force hunter force bronze relax copper pri copper sec both my left and right texture trails are gone everything i had is gone and i'm kinda freaking out here im changing my password after this if an admin anyone can help me ban/get my stuff back from them i would really be happy! I'm so close from quitting this game. btw im pretty sure back when all i did was watch them play the game im pretty sure fluffy22 got banned for like 2-4months for stealing Oblivion's set the real Oblivion. he has also stolen Monoply's full set as well back when he lost his internet his name was elmo22. anyways my friend also just got hunter force the same time i just lost it? fuck that im 90% sure he stole all my stuff please help!
Last edited by Applejack; Apr 29, 2013 at 06:35 AM.
i didnt i went to their house and would log in there
btw thanks deak you really did just help me.
also Tokken420 and fluff22 are brothers they live together even the same room tokken420 is still really new to TB so i still think its fluffy22.
Last edited by Applejack; Apr 29, 2013 at 07:13 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump