Original Post
I still got this?
why not.

I won't give cnc to anyone who asks, only the ones I feel like they need cnc.
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I like it, had great momentum and looked really real, the speed you got on your tori was amazing in that spin. 10/10
Simple but awesome, loved the speed, loved the pose.
The only thing I disliked about it is your arm ghosting through your leg at around 310.
Otherwise, great job you still got it :>

I'd love your CnC <3
Why are you so good man? Whats your secret? can you tell me please! I give 9.5/10
The was a sketchy bit at the start thats the only flaw
Manip was really messy you hit Uke with your head pretty hard.
Boomhit was good, not extremely impressive though. Could have got the other glute with a bit of patience.
Hits were alright, not much to say about this one. It's regular.
oh yeah
Getting bored of toribash eh?

That was a nice looking spin and decap. Not much to say about that. You could probably make more out of that. Probably.