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Ladies and gentlemen, Showtime! Skullgirls
WHAT?! You're telling me you've never heard of skullgirls? Well then, now's your chance to learn what it is.

Skullgirls is a fighting game developed by Reverge Labs and co-published by Autumn Games and Konami. It was released on the PS3 and Xbox360 before any mention of PC, however due to a campaign on‎ to raise money for the game to grow larger.
Since then it has been said that it is getting released on Steam on the 22nd of august, however people who backed the game during the campaign fundraiser.

The game has great graphics if you like cartoon fighting games as opposed to real looking ones like WWE...etc

As a side note, if skullgirls done something right with their game, it's the boob physics, trust me.

Look for yourself

So, sounds good so far? Well, that's just the beginning. The game's fighting style is similar to that of Capcom vs Marvel 2: New age of Heroes in terms you can swap out your character for other characters mid fight (As long as they are in your party). During the fights the characters build up Battle Tension(This can be spent to do your ultimate attacks or as they are known as ingame, blockbusters).

The fighting in the game comes down to 4 things. High attacks, middle attacks, low attacks and combos. I'll go into some detail about this now starting with high attacks.

High attacks: High attacks are used when you want to hit an enemy in the air and juggle them(Keep them in the air). The generally are quite strong since they cannot hit very often.

Medium Attacks or middle attacks: Middle attacks are your basic bread and butter of attacking, they aim for the torso and as such are blocked quite easily, they can combo into low / high attacks easily seeing as they are in the middle ground.

Low Attacks: Low attacks are normally used to break guards as they are very fast and do low damage, this allows them to combo into middle attacks easily, or cause knock up attacks to begin a good combo.

Combos: Combos in skullgirls can be hard to pull off, and there is sort of a limit on how much you can combo an enemy before it loses it's effect. This is where a reset comes into play (A period of time where they are not taking damage so the damage counter resets back to 0). They are hard to pull off however upon doing it, you can begin your juggle combo all over again.
It is hard to explain all of this so i'm sure you'll get to see it when you watch the game play videos below.

Ok, ok. I'll cut the talk, let's get down to the characters.


Ms. Fortune.
Ms. Fortune is a sole survivor of who she was raised by, which in this case is a gang. She swallowed a mystical life gem, which surprisingly allows her to keep fighting even though she is chopped into pieces.


Her fighting style is very aggressive, she can remove her head and roll it towards the enemy, while the head is detached it will lay on the floor, it can be hit and she will take damage, however the strength of the removed head is that she can use it to attack the enemy (Blood shoots out from the neck and pushes it along into the enemy) or she can use it to jump upwards and bite the enemy, stunning them for a while. She should be paired with at least 1 other person in case the head comes into trouble and you need a swap out.


Filia is a school girl with amnesia, she doesn't remember much about her past since she acquired samson, which is her hair, well, a parasite that disguises himself as her hair.
Samson is a creature that sits on top of Filia's head, it mimics her hair and for some unknown reason just wants to protect her or does he? No one really knows at this point and may find out later. Her moves are all based around the use of Samson as her weapon.


Ok, so you want to play as that school girl who's hair always looks divine, well time to give your enemy a treat.
Filia's fighting style is somewhat balanced and can go into some quite complex combos, due to her weapon being on her head, she is adapt at juggling(keeping the enemy in the air). This means you need to know what you are doing to play her. She is balanced between defensive and offensive so she works will with most team compositions.


Cerebella was an orphan so like all orphans, joined the circus. That's not all, she also works as a leg breaker for the mafia. How does she manage that you say? With her hat "Vice Versa".
Vice Versa is a living hat that is incredibly strong and mimics itself as two giant arms that sit on top of her head. This allows Cerebella to work for the mafia as no one can match her strength.


So, muscles are your type of thing? Well, look no further.
Cerebella's play style is very very aggressive, she works well when combo'd with other characters that can compliment this, as she can knock people around with ease, Filia is a good choice for this. She has long range due to the massive arms on her head and don't forget those punches are gonna hurt.
The downside is her speed, but with practice you'll learn that golden spot to stand to utilize her range and damage.


Once a war orphan slave named Patricia, Peacock’s body was gruesomely mutilated by slave traders that captured her. She was rescued by Dr. Avian’s Anti-Skullgirls Labs, and rebuilt with a reality-defying arsenal of biomechanical weaponry: the Argus System augmented her body, and the Avery Unit gave her access to unprecedented weaponry.
However, they couldn't do anything for her mind, so peacock is still that lovable child that you want. If you don't mind the bombs, knives, guns and gang of toys to beat people up.


Peacock is a unique fighter in skullgirls, she doesn't like being near the enemy, instead she throws bombs, releases bomber planes and wind up cars to keep her distance. She can be very annoying to fight due to her ability to keep you guessing where the next bomb is coming from and because of this, her play style is defensive. She is best paired with another defensive character(Such as Parasoul) or a really aggressive character to allow that character to heal up when it's in the back bench.


Once a normal schoolgirl named Carol, Painwheel was kidnapped by Valentine and delivered to the Anti-Skullgirls Labs' secretive Lab Zero. There she was implanted with the synthetic Buer Drive and Gae Bolga parasites and infused with experimental Skullgirl blood, transforming her into the monster she is today. Violent and unstable as a result of these experiments, as a precaution she's mentally controlled by Lab Zero's powerful psychic director, Brain Drain.
Fueled by rage, she draws her power from her pain and fury. Despite that, the soul of that scared young girl still lives on inside this monstrous body, desperately fighting off the onslaught of voices that would control her.


Lean, mean and partly machine. Painwheel offers an aggressive play style with a twist. That big set of blades on her back can do more than just slash your enemy. It can be used to fly, while flying she moves faster when traveling forward and towards the ground, allowing her to quickly rush down an enemy and deliver powerful attacks.
Painwheel however has some downsides. She doesn't have an air dash, which means she has little escapes so it is best to pair her with another character. She also lacks a bit in combos so she really needs to get those good hits off, use another character to weaken the enemy and get them into the air, allowing Painwheel to deliver those brutal hits.


Valentine is the only survivor of the Last Hope, a group of special Anti-Skullgirl Lab operatives. Before meeting their end at the hands of the Skullgirl, the Last Hope worked for the mysterious Lab Zero and performed duties ranging from reconnaissance and sabotage to advanced research.
Now Valentine dutifully serves the Skullgirl, carrying out her will from the shadows. She keeps to herself, so much of her true nature and personality are unknown


Valentine is fast. She hits fast, moves fast and even her combo's come fast and end fast. As such she is used to rush down enemies, fast. (Seeing the link here?)
She is paired well with people who also like to rush.
Her skillset is medical, she has 3 poisons that have different effects.
1: Extra Damage
2: Lag (Slows the enemies commands down)
3: Ministuns

She has with no doubt the best Blockbusters(Ultimate) in the game. However, as it requires 5 Battle Tension bars to be full, it can be quite hard to get in most games. And due to her attacks - she doesn't generate much, so pair her with people who can generate a lot to make use of her strong blockbusters.


Few know the terrors of the Skullgirl as intimately as Parasoul does: seven years ago her own mother became the Skullgirl that nearly destroyed the world. This tragic past has made her fiercely protective of both her country and her family, and these two priorities frequently come into conflict.
Parasoul is now the crown princess of the Canopy Kingdom and leader of its elite military squad, the Black Egrets. Wielding the living umbrella, Krieg, she fights with grace, poise and cunning to defend her family honor and destroy the Skull Heart so no one can repeat her mother’s terrible mistake.


So you like spies, do not want to get wet and enjoy puns? Then welcome to Parasoul. She commands her elite military squad which can jump in and help her during the fighting. She also has great defense and the ability to control the map using her umbrella to shoot flames at the enemy. These can explode and make her combos more efficient when lined up. She is great in a team however due to her defense and the ability to keep the enemy away from her, she can work as solo.
She does however have a few downsides which make her a little harder to play. Her charge commands and uneven strides are the problem here, but once mastered, enjoy playing Parasoul - your enemy will hate you.


Double’s origins are a complete mystery. Seemingly without a will or motive of its own, this formless monster aids the Skullgirl.
Double is capable of transforming its nightmarish form into that of any person, but often appears as a smiling nun. It can frequently be found in the Grand Cathedral of the Divine Trinity, listening to confessions and attending to the catacombs beneath


So you can't decide to pick, so you want to be everyone at once - Pick Double. She is a shape shifting thing that shows off by doing moves that the characters themselves would never be able to pull off.
Double has a fast escape dash where she sinks into the ground and slides away, allowing it to be used to dodge middle hits and high hits. The dash can be used for defensive or offense depending on your playstyle.
Since double has the high defense needed and can become really aggressive she is the perfect choice to be used as a solo character, however can work well into some team compositions.


Squigly is the last "surviving" member of the Contiellos, a famous line of opera singers and long-time clients of the Medici family. Tragedy befell Squigly’s family when the Medici mafia came close to obtaining the Skull Heart fourteen years ago, where Squigly became one of the Skullgirl's undead minions. Once the threat had been defeated, only Squigly’s body was recovered and she was buried in a service provided by Lorenzo himself. Bloody Marie's recent emergence has awoken Squigly from her long sleep. Squigly would be nothing more than a mindless servant of the pale maiden if not for Levithan.
Having been passed through the Contiello family for generations, Squigly's bond with Leviathan is deeper and more fundamental than that of most Parasites. This allows them to work harmoniously both in and out of battle like synchronized dance partners. Their unique circumstance also seems to have given them abilities beyond this world, as well.


Ok, I'm really sorry, but I cannot say much about Squigly as she is not really released yet and I have not got into the beta to play her. However, what I can say is this, she is defensive, uses her parasite levithan to do some amazingly long range attacks, so she is somewhat similar to peacock.
I really cannot wait until she is released as she is so CUTE! (Even zombie girls deserve some love)

Enough of the chatter, show us gameplay!
As you want, here is some gameplay showing off some of the amazing things you can do in skullgirls. (Gameplay might be a bit fast for you at the start)

Last edited by Nyann; Jul 22, 2013 at 12:26 PM.
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