Original Post
[B] Good premade set
Hello, I'm looking to buy a high quality set. Please post here if you have any for sale.

The set must be 512x512 and I don't care about the colors used. As for style, anything except cartoon.

I can pay up to 160k.
Kradox - don't like it, sorry.

Deuteria - I like everything except the torso textures, I'll have to think about it. How much are you looking for?
Sorry but 120k is too much for me, I bought Aveance sets for that price in the past.

More sets people!
Toxik - The set looks nice, is it made by you?

If you can make hands and feet and add some more detail to the rest of the textures (scratches, symbols - preferably in azurite) I may buy it. Also if you could tell how much you're looking for that would be cool.
Last edited by NoGood; Jul 27, 2013 at 06:01 PM.
I have this set by Aveance and nblx.
The joint textures are optional, and they are from a different artist, JackerFx.

Offer please.
rock the world, one fight at a time