Original Post
[Metal] Recruitment thread

Well, we decided open the Metal recruitment, so now you can apply.
I'll show a example of an bad app, so if u make something like this:


You're rejected...
But if you make something like this...


You'll probally got accepted.

So, we're just accepting free-form apps, so make one or two paragraphs about your life, your skills, why do you want to join, how do you want to help, your last clans maybe... Don't need make something giant, just talk about everything that we should know. About belts, you have to know that we aren't looking for that, so, you can be green belt and join, but! You need some skill around the forum, activity anyway and loyality. We also recommend you to wait, if you got accept, you'll be a trial member and then we'll look for you. If you got rejected, please wait some time before apply again and when you apply again, make surely that you changed.
Pm-me or Ispeed if you have any question.

Last edited by Kratos; Sep 1, 2013 at 08:13 PM.
Looking for 3 more members..**
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

FullName : Salman Ahmad Nurhoiriza
Age : 12
in-Game Name : DragonU
Belt : Blue
Rank : 5657
My Fav. Mod : Wushu, Aikido
Past clans : The Devil Sirits (TDS), I quit because they're not active anymore
Bans : none
Kicks : none
Reason For Joining : i think i might be a big help, benefit this clan with activities
My Hobby : Playing the computer, watching TV, listening to Music, and swimming
About My Self : My name is Salman,I live in Indonesia . I'm 12 yearsold,about to turn 13 on 12th of August. I play toribash about 4 days a week, sometimes 5. I'm Blue Belt turning Brown in 86 games, but i can achieve that in 2 days. I quitted (TDS) because they were not active in forums and ingame anymore. I'm tall and a bit fat, and have black short hair.

Sorry for bad English and Grammar.
Thank you for reading this.
Goodbye and hope to be accepted in this clan...
Sorry for bad English
You look like a nice guy, but we are not looking for "starters".
it is a no from me , but wait for other votes!!
|Serbian|#BlameTheAnimal|RIP Zizhi and Beenyxd|LaG<33|[TA]|[OoT]

If you look closely Metal is filled with talented high belt players.

If you get one of them to tell you are good you might get a chance its a no from me
that's fine, anyway, yes i do have a low belt and that's my problem, it's okay if you guys don't accept me, i don't really mind. And that's all i have to say, thanks for reading my app, and Good Luck with your clan.
Sorry for bad English
yes i'm like checking the forum every minute or ten, and sorry for that.
Last edited by DragonU; Aug 3, 2013 at 04:44 AM.
Sorry for bad English
The fact isn't your belt, you don't got much forums skills or even activity and you haven't made the freeform app as i like. So dude, i recommend you pratice and maybe in the future you can got in, you aren't that bad, but not so good either...
