Original Post
My Most Stylish Madman
A new replay for you lot, this one goes back to the good old days of ripping uke limb from limb. But there is a catch!

Yep, this one is not just a savage attempt at delimbing uke in a cannibalistic and enticing way. It's an attempt at make all that savage and cannibalistic stuff....Look Good!


Use of floor to decap uke
A 360 punch the the midriff
A double kick to destroy what's left of his torso
An over the top sense of speed and brutality

Last edited by toritori9; Sep 5, 2008 at 12:20 AM.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
This is a good moment to use JD and War's epic replay rating system I think

Brutality: 43/50
Style: 39/50

This replay has some great moments, like the cool rotating double kick through the torso (or what's left of it) around f255 to f240. But I felt that it wasn't as stylish as your other stuff. Style is a very relative thing, but I felt it could have used a lot more relaxing without hurting your momentum. I also didn't really like the opening move or the decap too much.

As usual though, your speed and power are excellent, and this replay is fun to watch. Thanks for posting.
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
and thanks for rating!

The decap wasn't all that impressive, I agree. But it used the floor, which is not generally used outside of throws and similar moves. That's why I kept it. Plus it was the only viable option at that time, if I wanted speed of course.

The opening move was a bit random. I was actually trying to dance at first, but saw the oppurtunity and thought, 'Hey! Why not?'.

Thank you for your comments mMm, I really appreciate them.
I'm the Juggernaut, Bitch!
Well done.I need to learn how to do this sort of stuff.
46/50 Brutality
36/50 Style
87/100 Epic win
I think it lacked proper flow, you kicks and grabs didn't look right together, it's all about planning ahead and moving your momentum slightly so that after the punch you can swing grab kick, etc. I didn't see that here.

4 or 5/10, your lucky I'm feeling generous.