Original Post
I need a mentor
I'm a 5th dan blackbelt. but very still, and unrealistic, i need to be trained to be fluid in my replays... i have skype and am willing to work hard....

(those of u that say i dont need it, ive had medical problems happen, and wouldnt like to talk about the fact).

Contact me.

Skype : Eregonv1
Last edited by eregonv1; Aug 14, 2013 at 08:57 AM.
Life is like glass, It can be broken, but it is repairable, with care, and time. -eregonv1
You will improve quicker if you just practice. It's all about patience.

[E]: Use 5 turnframes instead of 10. Try to use every joint to help you reach your goal. Don't press space and move on just because ghost shows you are doing great. Try to make maximum effort on each turn. It is almost impossible to make a smooth hit without using Shift + P to skip single frames, so use that whenever you are about to make a hit. It provides more freedom and chance for editing.
Last edited by Hero; Aug 14, 2013 at 09:08 AM.
I can add you in skype but pm me..your age etc
Cuz I have to know.
Last edited by Mystery; Aug 19, 2013 at 10:45 PM.
Risk, no
If you want to get good, it's best to look for someone who's willing to teach you and is actually experienced in many mods. None of that mushu bullshit. Might sound like I'm talking about of my ass, but hxcbbqimo is known to be well versed in lots of mods. He's certainly not the best but he's willing to help people and has some tips that could be mod-specific or apply to a variety of skill based mods.

He just started his channel, Toribash Take-OVER, and released two videos. One describing what the channel will be about, and another on wushu. there might be some writing or they might be posted in the tutorials section/beginner's sanctuary, not sure yet ;o