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Power Replay Thread v2
welcome to my replay dump bro.
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All or Nothing.rpl (240.2 KB, 48 views)
Last edited by Pwr; Aug 16, 2013 at 02:01 AM.
What happened around frame 300ish
It looks like you are having a hard attack.

uhm. I don't know what to say otherwise.
I liked the last kick.
anyway the opener might have been better and a bit more interesting had it been faster
the flow was alright in that first replay until that first kick
second kick was ok but leading up to the pose and the pose was average
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
Originally Posted by Internet View Post
What happened around frame 300ish
It looks like you are having a hard attack.

uhm. I don't know what to say otherwise.
I liked the last kick.


From 300 to 250 your legs were really twitchy.
You changed your flow pretty quickly, and the kick's aim was weird.
I did like the last kick, and the transition to the pose; but the pose wasn't great.
<Spartan094> jcan't into links fck bithse sg mgiet monehy lolololf
I have to agree with everyone about frame 300 and the pose and things. also, for the transition, it looked like your leg was just flopping and then it hit the floor all wibbly. maybe try to stick that foot on the ground instead of wibbly-ing it everywhere, and use it to go into a standing pose? :V idunno. but gj
replays pls cnc me
first half of the opener looked a tiny bit stiff for my liking. The rest was nice though.
Reminded me of LargeKilla'
Keep goinnnnn

all thats left to do is to boom the area and pose. I might add some more time so I can get a decap.
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All or Nothing v2.rpl (217.5 KB, 19 views)
Last edited by Pwr; Aug 17, 2013 at 09:32 PM.
Loved the opener, and the way you brought it into the kick/knee combo was really good and flowed well. It was kinda messy but the destructiveness made up for it. Kinda twitched trying to get the leg area, though.

Looking forward to seeing the final one, please do add a decap skeet.
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
Thanks for the CnC guys. Here's a finished version. I might make a v3 because of the quick ending.
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All or Nothing v2.rpl (310.5 KB, 20 views)