Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Need tips name for a fps shot game?
I and some friends are creating a game fps
I Need tips name for the game?
< Ryks > "sobrevivendo apenas com um pedaço de leite, um copo de pão com queijo, e o seu celular na boca"
I don't think you're that far in enough to be giving it a name. It's about atmosphere. The game and the name have to mesh properly. I'm making a massive manga/anime universe
And it's huge right now, but don't have a name because I don't see or here it in my head.
I'm gonna have to agree with T0ribush.
Don't worry about the name until it's finished - by then it'll probably have come to you already. Many videogames just go with a "working title" (e.g. something dull sounding to refer to it by) until they're mostly finished.
Vermillion Millenium IIX: Day of Kaizer Ramen's Revenge: Chapter III
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
The final golden gun lost dead space tales about secrets of mana - journey of the cursed king.

tfggldstasom - jtck

"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
Don't use a bad generic name. Call it something that fits but isn't boring.

Oh and btw;
Don't use shitty pre-made fps kits. We don't need more of the exact same game.
If you're gonna use one, don't put props on an angle.

I'm guessing it's a multiplayer game?
Also, what engine are you using?
Last edited by NinjaVodou; Sep 26, 2013 at 01:40 PM.
"and I have tons of friends" Deakster/Dickmaniac/Deak
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
I don't think you're that far in enough to be giving it a name. It's about atmosphere. The game and the name have to mesh properly. I'm making a massive manga/anime universe
And it's huge right now, but don't have a name because I don't see or here it in my head.

Basically same with this. I am solo developing a ginormous sci-fi universe with several assets (quite proud of this), and I still haven't figured out the right name (I have a title I like, but it'll likely change). The story comes first, let your project name itself when it's ready.
First plan out the game,then name it based on the game and give it something interesting.
Are you living the life you really want?
Name is your choice my friend im thinking of making a game too. FPS is well. thinking of calling it "Noxious"