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[Images] Sigs. More.
Improved over the last ones ?

(Ryusan can take the first one, if he wants it.)
Last edited by H4rl3quin; Jul 26, 2008 at 02:21 AM.
Pretty nice. The only bad point is not having a stroke/outline. [It might just be my opinion ;p]
Yeah, I always think about doing some sort of outline, and never really try it.. I'm putting it on my list of things to experiment with.

^.^ thanks for c&c.
I'd say the AC one is the best. The Ryu Hayabusa one is nice too, just the background is quite...interesting enough. The GRAW one isn't all that great, it looks like you did almost nothing to it. Also, you really should put borders. It makes it look nicer.