Original Post
This game. Would be absolutely revolutionized if there were 3 players, all playing in one turn. Maybe even more. This could lead to true teams, and legit TEAM CLAN WARS.
| [AC] | Replays | Order of Taekkyon |
Have you tried doing a quick search before posting this? It's been discussed several times. It's not going to happen. Too much framerate issues, too many collisions and whatnot.
Wouldn't that take up more CPU space, or take up Cpu usage, or something?

The more updates, the more Cpu usage and Space taken, right?

Lagswitch told me.
This has actually been done before... a long time ago there were 4 person mods... but it made peoples computers lag SOOO much that they took them out...

NOT supported
4 guys in a wrestling ring would be awesome, and if you throw anyone out of the ring they DQ. Kind of like a Royal Rumble per say, everyone teaming up on eachother, or kicking everyone's asses 1 vs 3, 2 vs 2, 1 vs 1 vs 1 vs 1, either way it'd be amazing.
I don't think I should need to say this for the 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000th time on behalf of the 10, million people who have come to their senses (like Togo). This will not happen.
[Team Wushu]
Pm me any questions! I will be happy to help.
Go download version 4.6 or something around there if you want this.
Don't try to make them reimplement this due to extreme lag and whatnot.
A lot of people's comps can barely handle 2 toris, imagine 3 or 4.
well , this idea was discussed from before so i dont think that they will accept ur idea ,

read before posting