Original Post
[A]Custom style set
Hi and welcome to my thread.
I'll sell my own set and here is the details:

More details

So, let's start the Auction !!
Last edited by KucingHitam; Oct 16, 2013 at 12:38 AM.
I'm not use this account anymore, if you want to contact me, just PM my Primary Account (CyberAero)
Originally Posted by MrLacroquette View Post
30k ?
Head resize 512.?

Yeah, i can do it.
I'm not use this account anymore, if you want to contact me, just PM my Primary Account (CyberAero)
The sets was already autobuy(ed) by zuba2222
Just waiting his/her reply.
So the thread will closed.
I'm not use this account anymore, if you want to contact me, just PM my Primary Account (CyberAero)