Original Post
My first madman
YAY! I did it (finally).

I got 6 dismembers. :]

Its slow and suckish. :[

Oh well, it's my first.

Oh and 6 DM's is a madman, right?
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#Very_First_Madman.rpl (218.7 KB, 21 views)
ayylmaos are real
aww Tortle, 6 DM's is a Mad man, 4 is the minimum, but unfortunately you cant DM at all, so when you lose your hand, that nulls it .

Nothing a little editing wont fix though. Keep at it.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
I like it. That hand does nullify it.

So, I changed it so your hand doesnt DM, You can build more off it if you'd like.
Attached Files
#Very_First_Madman_Edit.rpl (158.4 KB, 9 views)
[10:17][10:50] <diskimage> Where can I find the Toribash license?
I dont like that you didnt dismember anything on the first strike, that kinda takes the mad out of it..
and when you lose your hand it kinda takes man out of it.. and that leaves you with nothing.

New name could be "GrumpyKid".