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cham cham cham cham cham cham cham cham cham cham
Hi, I'm cham.

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#C- Dalliance.rpl (131.8 KB, 40 views)
Last edited by chamara; Nov 19, 2013 at 04:59 PM.
opener was fine, the little manip was cool, first kick was nice, second kick looked a bit weak. the pose was good, except for that big ass twitch, also you could have done something cool with uke's hand.
Opener was alright and manip was alright, I liked the transition to the first kick which was really cool. The kick itself was kinda messy and you could probably have boomed it, second kick flowed well. I love the pose, getting into one as fast as you can is always a good idea. As raaage said though, you could have maybe tried for a skeet with Uke's hand.
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Opener was super basic. Also, I didn't like the way your head wobbled a lot during the opener.
The spin was p cool. I love the way how you kept your momentum going while not losing any lift by contracting your ankle.
The way you transitioned to the back kick was sexy. Was a bit stiffer there, and your ghosted your arm slightly, but ghostings cool.
Backkick was p good, but I feel as if you could've gotten more power with it. There were a couple small twitches too :c.
The really fast spinny transition to the arm boom was generic as butts. The thing I love is the boom. It's really unique and not homogay chest/groin booms like me. Keep doing stuff like this more m8.
Transition to the pose was just gold. Sexy.
Keep working on your movement. It's honestly not too bad, but it's not what it used to be. You twitched a couple times, and there was some joints (knee's and whatnot) that were held for a rather long amount of time.

Just had to repost this. Don't know why.
Great to see you back man, you're still doing pretty good.
umg youre back // the spin to first kick was freaking awesome. loved the lift too, and btw how the hell did you get so much spin out of thin air i mean its like magic.
i really liked the first kick because it doesnt look like every kick ever. i like the dm pattern on the second kick too, but maybe i would have enjoyed it more if it wasnt that short. would have loved to see something happen to the crotch. but still, inside what happened, the replay is bretty good :-DDDD
oh yeah
That opener is the coolest thing ever. It is stiff on some parts but the replay overall isn't too stiff.

I don't like the thing you did in the beginning (500-430) but then you continued it like woah so cool.
I think the decap was kinda anticlimactic but then again what else could you do at that angle :/
It was really stiff.
wow swag idea.
Coolest tricking start I have ever seen.
Only complaint beside stiffness and like 1 twitch was that it was really slow.
It was super different and awesome.
If you combine this with smooth movement, you're swag.
everything until the punch was nice and fast and i really liked the stiffness for some reason, seemed more solid than relaxing around.
also the angle from which you punched his face off. nice stuff, it's always cool to see some unusual hits around here.
the only complaint is probably the contracted knee during one of the spins, it looked a bit out of place. otherwise, bretty gud stuff :-DDDD
oh yeah