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Tc Price
Is it better if the body textures besides the head textures like thigh textures,arm,hands to be 200 too?

Or remain 2000 but head texture 200...
Risk, no
I'd say that the newer players would really like this idea.
And I would too. XD But this would make the market fluctuate but I support this idea too make it all 200 for 128 texs.

Eevox promised me a free 256X256 Head Texture
That would be awesome! Just imagine u win umm lets say a 750tc tourney and u go shopping for textures Also that would be an inspiration to newbies for playing more to gain what they want ":>
If your gonna make them that cheap, may aswell make them free..
Also the more newbies that have textures, the more ileagle textures that are worn
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That would be like 4k for full 128 :c That would mess up the market sooooo bad.
Also this game is way more fun when you have to work hard to earn something, rather than practically getting it for free.
I do not support this.
It is not that hard to make money for your 1st head texture if you know how to. If you dont how, but want it badly, pay real money, its good for developers.
Plus getting smth is a good reason to keep playing. Imagine having every item in the game from the very start. You can show that you are better then someone by just having that rare/expensive item. Everyone on brown severs will be jealous that you have your own head texture and it will make you happy. Dont ruin this pls, go earn tc instead.

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Yeah, back when I was a yellow belt, when heads were 2k, a head texture was a symbol of greatness lol, i think the market should go back to how it was.
There would be no point in gradients then. Customizing different parts of your body is a pretty diverse thing. It can also show the difference between new players who wear gradients and the "middle class" who are able to customize more parts than just head.
Moreover, 2k it is not that hight, I remember that time when every 128 texture was 20k. And a head as well.
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