Original Post
[ART] Some older doodles of mine
holy shit big pic warning. Too lazy to downize them so bare with it please.

Doodles from mid 2012

Dont mind this one, just made me laugh really hard back then

And a joke one I did with 3 other peeps

Shit. ignore that, I accidentally made a whoops

Pic 1 - The cool one

Pic 2 - The Also cool one

Pic 3 - The Joke

Last edited by TomWanks; Nov 24, 2013 at 01:36 AM.
Not bad.

•#1-Looks cool, reminds me of something.
•#2- Cool tribal design (But that's not the only tatto design people)
•#3- This one looks avatar? yeah...I'll go with that.
But seeing it now it looks like a pe- (So that's the joke?)
<ishi> 2MEGPOID4ME
Well they're doodles, nothing exciting to say about them, but that tribal design looks pretty cool. I can imagine my self filling a piece of paper with shapes like that.