Original Post
neato, I did another mad man.
Here is my 2nd Mad man. Please comment, rate, flame as much as you like

I am happier with this then the last.
Attached Files
secondmadman.rpl (178.3 KB, 40 views)
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
love the decap


I just dont like the end.. i made a stupid edit. Its slow but i like it
Attached Files
Ackman-StupidSlowEdit.rpl (191.2 KB, 15 views)
I think you should ask someone's permission before you edit their replay.

Nice replays but your madmen need more fluidity,you know,not so stiffness.
yargh... I find it quite neat, actually... pity it reminds me of how much I actually suck at toribash ;_;
You've met Tori... You've killed Uke... Now meet Glun!
You can only criticise a man once you've walked a mile in his shoes...
on topic: Better! There is enough energy here to warrant 7/10. I'd like to see

-more consistent striking (focus on the follow through a little more perhaps?)
-unlock your elbows!
-if you focus on keeping your balance, the strikes will come easier and be more powerful
-more destruction

Keep up the good work, m8.

off-topic: I think replay editing is okay, especially if it's in the form of criticism as in ackman's post. He said he didn't like a part, and then he explained, partly using the edit. personally, I welcome this for my own replays, but it's just personal preference I guess.
Beware the alien... Kill the mutant... Burn the heretic... Purge the unclean. | the Inquisition [Inq]
Thanks for the comments guys. I didnt mind the edit, but I do like the last kick in the original a whole lot. The added DM's you gave it were nice though. Im going to start trying to do more relaxed stuff, maybe get a bit more suave in my replays

Also, thanks for the tips mMm, I need them.
Organisation of Awesome: Member.
Hey thar, much better than your first, good job

I made an edit, maintaining your kick. I saw how many extra frames and parts available to break so I chased uke's body down and did some stuff. Sorry if it's a different style than yours :P

Oh, and apologies for not making it better, I'm rather rusty right now :<
Attached Files
JD - Deady Edit.rpl (285.4 KB, 9 views)
Since when did I become Asian?
that's great! In my replay I actually tried to go after the body but got too lazy to do it. No apologies needed, good show
Organisation of Awesome: Member.