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Power Replay Thread v2

Back into replay making I suppose. I'll return the favor if you bother to comment on my replays.
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P - Reflection Confession.rpl (303.0 KB, 75 views)
Last edited by Pwr; Nov 30, 2013 at 11:37 PM.
hey man /o/

opener seemed pretty awesome, but the leg contract was a bit ugly.

loved the spin to the kick, looked great. The kick itself was also pretty nice, but if you were to get a better ghost it would look amazing.

Transition was well done, but uke hitting your head looked pretty bad.

When going for the kick I feel you contracted your hip too early, slow down and let the flow carry. It'll have just as much power if not more and will look snazzy. But that was the perfect moment for a huge boom, I say you should try and get it.

punch was cool.

pose needs work though :P

A few bumps here and there, but overall pretty sweet replay man.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
first hit to decap was nice, but the decap was a bit twitchy, the manip thing was cool to.
u sux/10
Last edited by RAAAGE; Dec 1, 2013 at 02:07 AM. Reason: pwr scks
Overall I loved this replay. I did think it was a bit twitch at times however the way you pulled off the movement was really neat. i liek u / 2
The first kick was really nice (only wishing it dmed his other asscheek) that hand was twitchin out when you went for the head grab but the decap impressed me, i also like how you did the little manip 9.5/10 urbadkid.
R.I.P Dog | mediocre at best
I liked the first version a lot more.
The opener, spin and first boom were all awesome. Great job on that. The 4 dm boom surprised me and I thought you hacked it at first because you dmd the lumbar on a different frame lol. The decap and the mini manip that you did in the 2nd one were pointless imo. It was a better idea to throw the torso up. You should have stopped the hand from hitting your head and then you had a great setup for something cool like jingles said
(╯°□°)╯︵ pɐǝɹɥʇ ʎɐldǝɹ
thanks, will be working on v3 for a while. heres some tricking.
Attached Files
P - Purified.rpl (326.4 KB, 39 views)