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Irrita's Super Special Awesome Replay Thread
So I'll be posting my best replays here. Feel free to critique anything.

Here's my first one.
New Replay
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#Irrita ~ Pink Elephants.rpl (84.6 KB, 161 views)
Last edited by Irrita; Dec 1, 2013 at 10:16 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Oh wow, you are really good for someone who just started /o/

Pink elephants:Opener was pretty nice, but a bit slow.

launch was done well, but I'd suggest relaxing you left ankle and maybe you knee a smidge, so you can look stylish and your balance will still remain the same. I didn't like how you extended you left knee because it pushes your tori the other way from where you want to go and no one wants that. keep it held or maybe relax like I said before.

spin was sweet man! Looked really stylish. You kicked a little bit too early for me, but I still thought that decap was well done.

Then you went all floaty and what not. Please don't do that, make it interesting do a flip or spin or something. The floaty part makes the replay seem boring and dull most of the time so stay away from that.

pose could have a little more flare on it but its decent I guess.

nice job 7.1/10

salmon is not a color: the manip part was a little on the meh side because nothing was really too too exciting. I didn't really notice it in this replay but whenever you manip be sure when you go for the manip hits, they are pushes. The pushing action will generate more speed, and make it easier to manip uke.

The punch manip hit thing was a tad bit hard to look at because you could have done so much better. The arm was very stiff, I'd contract it a little bit more, and maybe contract the wrist a bit.

good job transitioning to the kick though! I didn't like how it looked at frame 420ish though, because of the bent elbow and awkward positioning. You should try and be more open with your tori and not keep everything to close. Kick was really nice, but it was very messy haha. I'd try and get some more speed and try and aim a little bit lower to try and get a ghost. Once you get a good looking ghost, booms become easy pickings and they look ridiculously awesome.

Your transition from there could be muuch better. Lower and relax those arms and make the elbows look more natural! What you did was rather silly because of how both elbows were bent and one was raised and one was lowered.

You landing wasn't so smooth either :s Try and relax some joints to cushion the impact a bit and release the extra momentum so you can go straight into a rocking pose.

Nice job here too, but a few mistakes here and there with transitions, footing, and booms, but trust me once you get the hang of it, you'll be making awesome replays in no time. By the look of things I can probably see you in ormo by next september if you put your mind to it.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
That's great. Thanks so much! It helped a lot, but may I ask, what exactly is ormo?
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
ORMO is a group of the best and most amazing replay makers in toribash.

We got pretty much every great replay maker in here.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
My replay for mocucha's ninja warrior thing. This is one of my first parkours. :P
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ninja warrior wip.rpl (309.9 KB, 45 views)
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Alright, no grab madman with absolutely no style whatsoever.
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#Irrita ~ Child's Play.rpl (137.6 KB, 47 views)
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
Oh nice

I liked the whole opener bit, it reminds me of the times when I would make replays like that.

Around 460, you had your arms and elbows contracted looking, that doesn't look too good. You should try extending them for a couple frames then relaxing them to make it look natural.

Also maybe contract your abs a bit, overextended abs are very hard to pull off, unless you are posing or something silly like that.

transition was awesome, couldn't have done it better myself.

now I would try and grab his leg and then left rotate my chest so I could hopefully dm all of uke groinal area, but your way was alright. Make sure when you are getting siingle dms, you are adding as much style as you can because normally single dms are looked down on so you have to prove them wrong by making it look better than a boom per say.

Your arms were a bit stiffy after that, relax bro. :P

I like how you used the extra momentum to get the final kick in as well, good job. Its a key thing to know when making replays on a top level like guys such as Tengo or leilak.

transition wasn't too bad after that I liked it.

I would've preferred a standing pose, but yours wasn't too shabby.


Again nice job, but make sure in your transitions stay loose. Don't keep a limb extended or held for too long. I always check my rewatch replay every 75 frames or so to check
if everything is as I want it to be.

As long as you keep practicing you're gonna go far man, I can see it.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/
opener started off pretty good, but you didn't really go anywhere with it. :c

transition was alright, but would be better if you had a decent push off, always look for ways to add speed while looking sexy at the same time if you know what I mean.

nice knee kick, but that punch wasn't the best. I'd suggest moving in for the punch a little bit before the knee break, so once you do get the knee break you will be able to smoothly get in that awesome punch, and hopefully you'll get a boom of somekind.

also a tip is to contract your wrist (for like 4 frames) then hold, as it will allow you to contract your elbow much faster and you will be able to throw in that punch.

your punch was rather disappointing I'm afraid. :c

really like the punch it had an oldschool feel to it, and it had a wicked ghost. I think if you edited it enough, you would be able to get a double core no problem.

again, transition wasn't the best but you had good intentions from what I can see.

nice back kick but it looks like you forgot about the rest of your body, always make sure to move as many parts of your body that you think you can to help add to the realism, flow, and power to your hits.

everything after that was meh movement.

Pose was decent though!

So overall what I think you should do is look at other people's replays and see how they move and transition to their hits and flips and whatnot. I think you need to develop a distinct style before you can go on to the more advanced booming and skeeting and stuff.

I also think you need a little brush-up on your movement, but don't get me wrong, you have a pretty nice movement for someone who just joined like a couple months ago. I was 12 times worse than you at the time trust me.

So work on these things and I'll see you again once you need me.
\o\ | ORMO | OSHI | OLDA | [duck] | Team Canada | Maple Syrup United | Team Philippines | [UssR] | Anime United | /o/