Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
I sold my Knox relax for 2000tc and ive got nothing from it and i got sent 200tc from darkcris00 and i havent got that too. Can someone reply or help me?
If Life Gives You Lemons
Make Lemonade.
I see in your transaction history that the 200tc was received...

I see nothing in there about a Knox relax though...

BUT, in your market items it shows a knox torso... Is it possible you thought you had a knox relax, but it was actually a torso?
I mean i sold a Knox torso for 2000 and didn't get anything and with the 200tc i opened the message and it didn't come up on my toricredits.
If Life Gives You Lemons
Make Lemonade.
The knox torso hasn't sold yet.

Click this

As for the 200tc... it is showing that you have received the money because your balance went form 288tc to 488tc.
Oh okay thanks but in my private message it says someone bought it ill even send a picture
If Life Gives You Lemons
Make Lemonade.
Originally Posted by GaupBrown View Post
Oh okay thanks but in my private message it says someone bought it ill even send a picture

No it doesn't :|

Helios Relax yes, Knox Relax no. I should note that you put it in the market for 0 TC (same for the Hit 1 Sound and all the other stuff you've sold)
Last edited by SkulFuk; Dec 4, 2013 at 11:18 PM.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Sorry i got it all wrong i though i got a message saying i sold it but it was the helios
If Life Gives You Lemons
Make Lemonade.