Original Post
Don't get me wrong here
I love the staff. They talk shit, have fun and are generally cool. But i've been browsing complaints and I see a lot of them. Discuss?

*Move to right section if this is wrong, please. Thanks.
312 complaints
2,241,823 users
Approx 0.01% of users have complained, if we assume each thread is by a unique user.
That said, I probably made half those complains.

The rules are not well defined, spread across many threads, often contradictory (not to mention many are no longer enforced and reporting someone for them will get you an infraction, and many rules were never written down in the first place). There are no real rules on moderation, so everything is done based on the staff's discretion and contradicting common sense. Staff members also like to latch on to people for fun and follow them around harassing them.

If you read them then you can see they are mostly stupid, or in regards to harassment or confusing rules. It's disheartening to see people still complain about "useless post" infractions being given out liberally, when it's been happening for years.

And I see siku is being complained about a lot... Not surprising, but it's not like a million complaints would ever be enough to get rid of him lol.

EDIT: One of the funniest threads, you know shit is bad when boredpayne complains
It's too bad that so many threads there were deleted. There were some really good huge essays against vox, and the ban appeal thread with the TTGL Kamina glasses. It'd be hilarious to read them again.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Dec 7, 2013 at 08:52 AM.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
EDIT: One of the funniest threads, you know shit is bad when boredpayne complains
It's too bad that so many threads there were deleted. There were some really good huge essays against vox, and the ban appeal thread with the TTGL Kamina glasses. It'd be hilarious to read them again.

I always enjoy browsing staff complaints. They are hilarious.
Siku is always complained about. I enjoy threads about him.
Any vox threads? I'd like to read stories about power abuse.
I would like to punch some of the GM's in the face (by that I mean complain till they drop), but I can't because I would probably lose, me being a normal user and them being a GM.
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Most of the vox threads got deleted, there's still a few around in there. But not really any of the good ones.

They deleted a lot but a lot of stuff is still there.

just to add context to the fifth link it was a post by me where i did not indeed back up why i was against homosexuality (which i'm not anymore because i'm not as much of a close minded dumbass) in an arguably offensive manner, and i believe it was worthy of an infraction not because of what i said but actually because of how i said it, and i didn't see anyone in the thread mention that so yeah
oh yeah
Originally Posted by pusga View Post
just to add context to the fifth link it was a post by me where i did not indeed back up why i was against homosexuality (which i'm not anymore because i'm not as much of a close minded dumbass) in an arguably offensive manner, and i believe it was worthy of an infraction not because of what i said but actually because of how i said it, and i didn't see anyone in the thread mention that so yeah

Well vox said he would unconditionally ban people who disagreed with him, so we roll with that. Later hanz0 says that it's fine to post whatever so long as you back it up.

The main problem was that people were posting equally badly against the bill and they were allowed, but posting badly for the bill was getting people in trouble.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Well vox said he would unconditionally ban people who disagreed with him, so we roll with that. Later hanz0 says that it's fine to post whatever so long as you back it up.

The main problem was that people were posting equally badly against the bill and they were allowed, but posting badly for the bill was getting people in trouble.

The big, the bad, and the bitch.

Vox said he would ban anyone who disagreed with him? What did he put in his application?

Vox's application:
I punish people for no reason
I think my opinion only matters or i will close your thread you fucker.
I'm extremely bad-ass.
vox has been banned by hampa himself (although the reasons are unclear), so he's no longer an issue.
But I do agree that he was an asshat.

I think the reason so many complaints are made is that they don't understand the staff's humour, or they were doing illegal stuff and when they got caught they said it wasn't fair that they got banned.

You know, the usual
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There are good and bad people everywhere, putting yourself in anothers shoes before making your decision on what type of person they are helps though.
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