Original Post
Me and Patrick broke up.

I think its good...
Last edited by TheGod; Nov 9, 2008 at 06:40 PM.
the god
I'm not in that replay, and its not true any ways, we are still dating.

See, we hug.
Attached Files
Spidey_Loves_Culapou.rpl (43.7 KB, 43 views)
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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Nice steps but it looks like you are losing your balance at the end and ... somehow this replay reminds me of something.
I felt like editing it after the 2nd step. I hope you forgive me.
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worksout.rpl (87.4 KB, 34 views)
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Nice work NutHug, it still looks like his basic steping but without the loss of balance. Nice decap also.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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Hmm, thats nice also, at first i didnt want to come out to the side, then when i tried to make a decap it was much easier and looked more fluid and real it reminded me of in olympic high jumping, they swerve off to the right then come back and leap.
the god
here is you replay with me in it, and the real fight before you used your special effects on it. Trust me, my friend filmed it again, and your friend edited it lol.j/king

Lol. he he
Attached Files
It just didnt work out....rpl (62.9 KB, 19 views)
Spidey_Real_Fight.rpl (60.3 KB, 21 views)
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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?? which one?

If it was the top one, don't worry about it, it was just me in it instead of uke.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

Total RedDevil Special Cookies Gained: 3
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Ok lol. Thats good.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

Quote by-Unkown

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