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[e]SuperROBO1s Replay thread
Hey guys this is my replay thread, CnC is appreciated, but mostly, just enjoy the replays!

I have removed your replay 'RAPE' due to it being made in multiplayer. Please keep multiplayer replays in the multiplayer replay board. Thank you ~Orko
Attached Files
-[e] the surprise attack.rpl (85.5 KB, 16 views)
-[e]Practice Makes Perfect.rpl (125.7 KB, 13 views)
-[e]Rip, Snap, Kick, Rip.rpl (167.5 KB, 12 views)
Last edited by millie; Dec 15, 2013 at 05:40 AM.
why are you looking here? the post is up there
New replay, not my greatest, but the opener was pretty cool.
Attached Files
-Let me fix that for you.rpl (123.3 KB, 21 views)
why are you looking here? the post is up there
Opener was bad, No flow what so ever and you didn't make up for it in style, stiff as dicks.

It looks like you focus on 1 joint, space it 50 frames, then change another, just a bunch of flopping around and lucky dismembers I suppose.
Originally Posted by Dupbuck View Post
Opener was bad, No flow what so ever and you didn't make up for it in style, stiff as dicks.

It looks like you focus on 1 joint, space it 50 frames, then change another, just a bunch of flopping around and lucky dismembers I suppose.

I'm not trying to be a fucking proffesional, im just messing around making cool replays. Not toribash masterpieces. Chill out on your CnC a bit, thank you. And lucky dismembers my ass. They are all planned out and obvious

Quit going into all my threads and bullshitting them down.
why are you looking here? the post is up there
Ok, sorry but I find your replays extremely offensive, faggot.
Your ridiculous lack of effort is breathtaking.
Your style is the best I've ever seen, if you applied yourself more and spent longer on your amazing works of shit maybe you'd turn out to be something more than a paperweight that is illegal to keep in captivity, so you're not even a good paper weight.
Also, I took the time to go back and edit your replays, EVERY SINGLE DM WAS HACKED.
Is it funny to you? Everyone else is taking replaymaking seriously and you go and make it seem like on big fucking joke to you.
You alone drag down the ENTIRE replay making community including myself.
Also why is surprise attacked named surprise attack what the fuck that totally takes away the surprise, I was totally expecting it and it was NOT surprising, loser.
Other than the few massively major flaws, the replays are okay though. Keep trying and you'll get better.

Erth Moderated Message:
User was warned for this post - harsh man, tone it down a notch.
Last edited by Erth; Dec 17, 2013 at 07:24 PM.
the surprise attack: Stiff opener and rather stiff in all, you seem to forget about the limbs you're not using to hold on to uke or striking him with, i.e. legs when you're punching, especially. The angle that he head flies in with the final decap looks good, though.

Practice Makes Perfect: That it does! This is a whole different animal. You manage to land that core at a pretty tricky angle, across your Tori's chest. You move in smoothly to the follow-up decap, but there's noticeable stiffness after that. I'm suspecting it's because you have to concentrate on catching that hand for the skeet.

Rip, Snap, Kick, Rip: That headbutt doesn't look intentional. They rarely do in toribash. The next DM is an elbow, and with a grabbed hand at contact. These are generally frowned upon (or were when I last frequented the forums). At least I personally don't like the way the joint just becomes undone all of a sudden and the gib falls straight down. The kick has a nice brutal feel to it, but looks a bit awkward with the knee fully extended, especially with the long pause afterwards before the next DM. You also hold Uke very close, which makes the replay look messy with Uke hitting Tori in between intentional hits. I spent a lot of time trying to make that decap kick into a boomhit, but uke is in the way too much. It looks really promising.

Let me fix that for you: These are also grabby DM's but you get much more out of them and they look powerful, so that's better in my books. It looks more like you're ripping Uke's head off than just touching it with a grabbed hand and making it fall off. You seem to neglect your torso, lumbar and abs, which are integral to making moves not only powerful, but look powerful. It looks pretty brutal, but not graceful, and a bit blocky. You're going places though, just keep at it and you'll be fine.

EDIT: I liked the opener for "let me fix that" too. Nice powerful backhand. A bit hard to follow up from, but powerful enough to DM either pec or the neck without grabbing, very possibly several of those. I hope you don't mind that I edited it a bit, just to see what I can do with it.
Attached Files
Superrobo edit.rpl (244.2 KB, 11 views)
Last edited by Archlurps; Dec 17, 2013 at 12:35 PM.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!
Originally Posted by SuperROBO1 View Post
I'm not trying to be a fucking proffesional, im just messing around making cool replays. Not toribash masterpieces. Chill out on your CnC a bit, thank you. And lucky dismembers my ass. They are all planned out and obvious

Quit going into all my threads and bullshitting them down.

Um.. You asked for cnc and I gave my cnc, what I thought of them..

If you can't take criticism then why make a thread specifically asking for people to criticize your replays?

And by lucky dismembers I meant that they all are random. There no cool spins and shit to transition into the next hit, it's like an elbow here and a foot here.

Try making some big booms, those look cool.
this IS classic.tbm. it looks to easy, but its all in the wrists

It helps to watch it in slow mo
Attached Files
#OneToMany.rpl (159.1 KB, 9 views)
Last edited by SuperROBO1; Dec 22, 2013 at 02:23 AM.
why are you looking here? the post is up there
Sorry, but you are just shaking around like you have an epileptic applicable.
There is no flow in that replay.
Tip: stop just extending and contracting your joints, relax and hold them more.

And if you just making jokes about serious replay making, then stop it!
That, my friend, is what we call nubclapping. it is very easy to DM most joints by having a contracted hand move quickly and flick the wrist at impact. It's not replay hacking, but it looks stupid. Your movement is also stiff in the last replay. Yourlimbs stay very straight and move slowly and in increments, i.e. stiffly. Doesn't look like you worked much at all on that replay.
I refuse to grab.
Like CnC? Most people do. Be a dear and spread the love!