Original Post
(Dysfunctional) - Bambam69
We all fear something, whether it be the dark, spiders or snakes or even clowns. Fear is a natural instinct to protect humans from danger, and humans brains are still hardwired to feel this emotion to the present day. But, there are some people who have achieved immunity to fear, who have overcome their fears and became a much braver and courageous person. There are only a small group of people who have mastered this technique, but even fewer who know how to channel fear and pass it on to enemies. This group is code-named [Dysfunctional]. There is a sanctuary set up for these special individuals, so they can experiment and Improve there powers as well as teach other people. People are rarely accepted into [Fear] unless they show extreme courage and bravery or are allied with existing members.
Applicants will be vigorously testing by one of the two founding members of the fear sanctuary, Bambam69 or Fluorescence.

Rules for Sanctuary applicants, members and Visitors.
* Always respect your opponents in battle and on the forums.
* Try to make constructive posts that are on topic
* Be polite
* Try to use correct grammar
* Be Loyal
* Never Show Fear!

There will be consequences for people who consistently break these rules, including demotion of rank, denial of application, being ejected from the clan and in serious cases being reported.

Application Form:

Win Ratio:
Best mod:
Any Special Skills :
Are you Active on forum (post at least once a day):
Any previously banned accounts :


We strive to become a family of mates, a place where people can hang around and talk to friends and have a good time.

5 Members [ ]

10 Members []

15 Members []

20 Members [ ]

25 Members [ ]


10k in clan bank []

25k in clan bank []

50k in claan bank [ ]

Get unnoficial Tag[ ]


Send an app for the official status [ ]

Become official [ ]


More than 3 clan Allies [ ]

More than 3 single Allies [ ]

Clan Room:

[I]This is where we will have all our meetings ect.

if im not fightng in the tournaments i will probably be

in this room if anyone needs to find me.

/jo kobot
Last edited by BamBam69; Dec 19, 2013 at 02:43 PM.
The Revanent