Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Rv] Recruiting

Want to join us?
Belt: Must be blue or higher ..
Mods ur good at? :
Forum Active (1-10) :
Ingame Active (1-10) :
Player Card : if u want too
Why u want to join [Rv] :
what will u benefit us? :
give us 3 of ur good replays to get a chance to get into [Rv]

make a good app or u will be declined

By The Recruiment Officer
Last edited by Killer21334; Dec 24, 2013 at 12:58 PM.
Want to join us? Yes, I know it has more requirements: 3
Name: Thiago Reis
Age: 14
Belt: You must be blue or higher .. Good'm more yellow belt can be a good skill to test me in game;)
Ur good mods? : Judo, Mushu, Aikido, Spar ... ect ....
Active forum (1-10): 8
Ingame Active (1-10): 9
Card Player: if u want this too outdated: (
Why u want to join [Rv]: I like well organized clan has good future: 3 and would like to enter
what u will benefit us? : I'll try to help in any order and need: 3
gives us 3 ur good replays to have the chance to get [Rv] still not have any more will soon have several
Oi Sou o Thiago Reis :3