Original Post
[A] Kewl SunDemon Head

Previous Owner: None
Artist: ceoepts(Me)
Size: 512x512
Recolor: N/A
Payment: Tc Only
Minimum bid: 4000
Minimum Raise: 100
Autobuy/Buyout: 8000
Auction-End date: 24 hours after last valid bid
If there is anything i've forgotten please tell me.
(If you are going to take down the post please tell me what ive done wrong)

Have a nice day!

Sry for typing (s) im changing it atm
Last edited by Voxed; Dec 31, 2013 at 01:58 PM. Reason: error
Such post. Much letter. Very wow
Its c/p thats why i offered that
Last edited by Merniak; Dec 31, 2013 at 04:54 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by Novastar00 View Post
thats copied and u edit little in that head (changed color)

No. Its made completly from scratch. -.-
Such post. Much letter. Very wow
Originally Posted by ceoepts View Post
No. Its made completly from scratch. -.-

Free head

I suggest you close this..
Originally Posted by Miku View Post

Free head

I suggest you close this..

:/ Yes your right... Even though i put alot of work into it... Im closing this post.
Such post. Much letter. Very wow