Original Post
old Replay thread

So here is a new replay, posted W.Im going to break my foot off in your ass on my old replay thread so dont watch itand the other replay too but no one saw that.
Attached Files
A.Poe.rpl (206.5 KB, 24 views)
#W. My name is not Earl.rpl (202.9 KB, 12 views)
A. DO A BARREL ROLL.rpl (60.5 KB, 15 views)
Last edited by Ealtrik; Jan 9, 2014 at 06:16 AM.
whoa you've gotten better
opener was good until your extended your leg too early and ruined the momentum
I freaking loved that first kick and transition to it
next kick was ok but with the momentum you got that should have been a humoungos boom
skeet was nothing special, too close
pose was ok

return cnc pls
Have a great day, thanks for looking at this post I guess.
cnc is an endangered resource
the opener is okay and stuff but the dms/approach bother me because you shoulda done like another spin first or had the hits be more planned an significant
it looks like you kinda spazz on him when you were within distance if u feel
hits didnt look that powerful either imo but decap was cool
still its not bad dont stop following ur dreams butdie
i woulda done somethign like this kinda
Attached Files
b. it doesnt blend.rpl (101.5 KB, 22 views)
Originally Posted by Sombra View Post
So i was messing with our replay a bit and it turned out to this.
You could've gotten a boom imo.

U wot m8
Originally Posted by Sombra View Post
Oh, sorry about that my Y button is like really bad so i have to smash it to work.
It should've been "Your."

lern to grammars