Original Post
[S] Hand-drawn headtexture made by Wancorne


Wancorne made this head for me as a friendly gesture, some time ago when he was still active. Because I'm not actively playing anymore and having no textures to activate it I've decided to sell it. It's better off in someone else's hands than it is sitting in a random folder on my laptop. Not sure if Wancorne is still making textures, but I haven't heard of him a long time on the toribash forums.

Size: 512x512
Re-colorable: No
Artist: Wancorne
Previous owner: Dilara
Accepted payments: TC and USD

I'm just looking for some offers. If I get no interesting offers, I'll just keep it.
If there are any questions, I'll be happy to answer them.
yes. i want. 25k
EDIT:I might throw in a Santa Beard if you just hands down give it to me.
Last edited by Liar; Jan 6, 2014 at 08:31 PM.
R.I.P Dog | mediocre at best