Original Post
A new age of customization.
What's everyone's thoughts on the current customization levels we as users can achieve.

I believe I'm one of the only non staff members to have a coloureds join date but it was as simple as pming an admin.

It's not just on the forums either. New prices mean more did is available to newer players; and also rumours about the joint texture prices dropping significantly.

Can we go further? Where will the line be drawn on what we can ane can't do to our profiles and toris?
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
You forgot the .obj 3D stuff ingame that's been added in the latest betas.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I made a lengthy post about that in the item forger thread if anyone woild be a lamp and cp it over. Im on my phone
[4:37 PM] ponf: y'all might think i'm not wild enough to send dick pics over toribash
[4:37 PM] ponf: you'd be wrong
uwu i wuv you uwu
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
You forgot the .obj 3D stuff ingame that's been added in the latest betas.

That is probably the greatest step forward for toribash these days, and I'm very excited about it
S | B | F
Originally Posted by Neko View Post
These new objects are amazing, I'd like to suggest a Cat head ;)

Gorman that anime style head was awesome!
For those who weren't aware 4.7 added the possibility of objects.


These were posted by Snow in the Toribash 4.7 thread.

What I'd like to see from this is the freedom to request certain shapes or objects to be on your tori from the item forger team, price being related to size/complexity. This may be require a massive undertaking from the team but I think it'd be worth it. We've come so far as a community; no longer do we have just standard spherical tori shapes and cubed hands. The possibilities are endless! Which is why I'd really love to see a system where we can ask an item forger for a certain kind of shape or head style (even design them ourselves and send them the specs.) This may require a larger team to handle requests, but I think it'd be absolutely insane.

From what I can gather (according to the few item forgers I've asked) the hit box stays the same, which does keep things fair. (I'm only putting this in because I know with every update people complain about things being unfair)

There you go. Oh yeah gorman made those, not snow.
Last edited by ManlyPotato; Jan 31, 2014 at 04:29 AM.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Wow that girl head is absolutely insane. If we could get 3d textures in game like that, it would aboslutely crazy!


Now, I'm thinking, if you can import any kind of 3D object and put it onto yourself, and other ppl will see it, why continue with buying hairs and hats?

Those items will now be only for ppl that can't afford to pay (probably insane amounts of TC) to a skilled modeler to make them anything they want, complete new body basically!

I mean, if I'm on the point where I'm thinking: ''Will I spend this amount of TC and by a beard or should I pay Gorman to make me complete new Predator head?'' I would probably go for the Predator head and forgot about the stupid beards.

So, will the 3D object importing be restricted as items are? If not... Idk, sounds like bad move for torishop and lots of modelers will get rich, or ppl will just download 3D objects all over from the net and customize themselves forgetting the tori items.
I have no problem with 3d modelers getting rich I guess it will make hair and hats redundant in the same way joint textures make force/relax useless, as long as it costs more hairs/hats will always be used. I think the main problem with all the crazy customizations like hairs/hats/flames is that it is awfully distracting, at least for me. Anything that isn't ruining the game experience is good. Please plan things carefully before implementing it into the game is what I'm trying to say, once the item is sold in the store there is no turning back.

I think the .obj should be very size and polycount limited.
Originally Posted by 8OJ4N View Post

Now, I'm thinking, if you can import any kind of 3D object and put it onto yourself, and other ppl will see it, why continue with buying hairs and hats?

Those items will now be only for ppl that can't afford to pay (probably insane amounts of TC) to a skilled modeler to make them anything they want, complete new body basically!

I mean, if I'm on the point where I'm thinking: ''Will I spend this amount of TC and by a beard or should I pay Gorman to make me complete new Predator head?'' I would probably go for the Predator head and forgot about the stupid beards.

So, will the 3D object importing be restricted as items are? If not... Idk, sounds like bad move for torishop and lots of modelers will get rich, or ppl will just download 3D objects all over from the net and customize themselves forgetting the tori items.

It's going to work like forging, so a forger has to make the item then it gets sold.

People will still want hair for physics, and together with objects and hats they will work together.

People like different things, plus you would have to pay me a lot of tc to make a whole predator head.

I'm ok with 3d modelers getting rich. But I don't think it will be something that just anyone can forge. And if so maybe you will have to buy like "3d head slot" before you can use them, and even then a 4000 poly miku head might be over the limits.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff