Original Post
Buze's Permanent Replay Thread

Hey guys, this is my permanent replay thread. I am going to upload parkour, tricking, and all replays where I rip uke Anyways, here are some replays.
Attached Files
#Buze-Smooth.rpl (115.3 KB, 36 views)
#Buze-Destruction.rpl (79.6 KB, 24 views)
#Buze-Different.rpl (54.5 KB, 18 views)
#Buze-Raped.rpl (128.9 KB, 20 views)
#Buze-Same.rpl (68.4 KB, 14 views)
Last edited by BuZe; Apr 13, 2014 at 12:48 AM.
+B Manip

the opener looked a bit weird, you didn't really build any momentum
can't exactly say that was a manip, you just pushed him in the air and then kicked.
work more on your flow, and spend more time aiming better, you sure will get better results

ps: look, dude, if I was you, I'd refrain from posting a huge ammount of replays at every post, people here on the replay board aren't exactly known for CnCing, it's a bummer for anyone having to comment on more than one replay. And if anything, instead of doing 3 bad replays, spend more time working a good one.
Thanks for the Cnc, I took your advise and worked on this a lot. This replay took me all day, I think it is my best one. CnC pls.
Attached Files
+B-Best. Replay. Yet..rpl (209.5 KB, 21 views)
Ok so I am doing parkouring and sparring. Thanks to Charm1 for teaching me!
Attached Files
+B-Parkour WIP.rpl (140.6 KB, 22 views)
another replay, but it is a boom hit. Took me like a hour or 2 to get it right.
CnC pls, kthxs
Attached Files
+B-Shadows.rpl (87.1 KB, 19 views)
Hey Buze I was wondering if you would like to spar me . After I saw the parkour WIP I knew you were the perfect person to spar . Lets say most people i've sparred in the past are noobs and do the stupidest things ever and you are obviously someone good enough so if you want to spar me PM me and yeah.

dont click me